Super Jig
Super Jig is capable of being produced in your own workshop from readily available material
This Super Jig is capable of producing a number of woodworking joints with only one tool the router. Each process can be completed with only one set-up of the material. Greater Safety awareness is olso achieved and each joint can be completed in seconds
Is there more info on this super jig?
Videos have been posted on Youtube showing how it works
A link would be helpful. What comes up on youtube when you enter "super jig" are a variety of dovetailing jigs.
it might be a super jig but hiw is it made adn used? this picture does not help me much.
I'm trying hard to understand the point of this. If it's super, it's certainly not super-understandable, or super-clear on what it does or how it does it.
Uhh, where's the YouTube link? I guess the jig is up....
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