Der Zinkenknecht, a Dovetail Jig
That's my Zinkenknecht
This is my new dovetail Jig. It works with paper Templates just printed off form a CAD programm for positioning the Router. It works very precise and dustfree like a professional one.
That's my Zinkenknecht
This is my new dovetail Jig. It works with paper Templates just printed off form a CAD programm for positioning the Router. It works very precise and dustfree like a professional one.
That's my Zinkenknecht
Here you can see the paper template
You can rout through dovetails
and halfblind dovetails
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Are there plans and instructions for this jig?
yes it's for this one.
YEA, very intriging, how does it work. where did you get the plans?
Cool jig.
where do I find plans for this? It looks like it's very accurate.
for those who try to find plans:
It seems that is the (new) homepage of the guy who made the jig.
By the way: very cool jig :)
It looks very interesting would love to build one , do you have plans available for it ?
There doesn't seem to be much information here. How is it built, how does it work?
Awesome! I cut my dovetails with a dovetail saw, or Tage Frid bow saw, very sharp chisels and a mallet...where did I go wrong?
Looks like a way to clamp your boards vertically, a way to move up and down the edge, a way to align with center marks for each dovetail or straight cut, and a template for both type to follow once clamped in place. Clever aspect is single template and moving the template rather than how most dovetail jigs work.
On one photo it looks like one straight slot was already damaged when pulling up the router, so that's why there are two. I could be wrong.
Are you the guy who decided where to put the oil filter on my previous car?äne-plans/der-zinkenknecht/
This link will give you a short video (with English subtitles) and a place to purchase plans for 18 Euros. (Not sure what that comes to in dollars.)
Anyone figure out what "Zinkenknecht" means? One on-line translator says, "Zinc Servant" which I sort of like.
The results are very nice!
It looks like the basic premise mimics the Woodrat.
"Zinkenknecht" can be translated as "dovetail helper".
I don't speak German, have a really hard time with metric measurements and don't have a CAD program (unless you count SketchUp) but I do have Wudworks plug-in. Do the plans come with English translation, Imperial dimensions? Will Wudworks plug-in on a SketchUp diagram give me a workable template?
18 Euros = 23.51 US Dollar
Has anyone built one?
after 55 years i think ive worked out women, but this one is a whole new ball game and my mother is german and so is my wife, go figure
launceston (tazzie)
Are we losing focus on the craft the art of woodworking and always looking for the softer easier way. the length of time to build the jig is probably the length of time you need to practice cutting dovetails. Thats my rant I could be wrong
I long ago sold my dovetail router templates for the simple reason that setup was to complicated!! Learning to cut dovetails is a one day event setup for a lifetime and you can easily remember how to setup for the next time without reading a manual. And the results of a handcut dovetail cannot be replicated by a jig. Just sayin.
Not enough information on this jig to see if it will do the job or not. It looks like to me that it may be a copy of the woodrat.
Nice jig, I bet it works great. I think I'll stick to my LN dovetail saw, it takes up a lot less room in the shop!
Sometimes fabricating a jig is just as rewarding as building a fine piece of furniture...
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